Navigating Instagram’s New Algorithm: Tips for Boosting Your Reach

May 23, 2024

Instagram has recently rolled out significant changes to its algorithm, impacting how content is recommended across the platform. These updates aim to prioritise original content and give smaller creators a better chance to shine. Here’s what you need to know to make the most of these changes.


Emphasis on Original Content

One of the most notable shifts is Instagram’s focus on original content. The platform is reducing the visibility of aggregators—accounts that repost content from other creators. Even if you credit the original source, you might see a decrease in reach if your account relies heavily on shared content.

To succeed under this new algorithm, it’s crucial to create your own original videos. While you can still draw inspiration from others, make sure to credit the original creator by tagging them in your captions. This practice not only shows respect but also aligns with the algorithm’s preference for authentic content.


Boost for Smaller Accounts

Instagram is also tweaking its algorithm to give smaller creators a fairer shot at breaking into recommendations. This change is akin to TikTok’s model, where content quality trumps follower count. For those who haven’t hit the follower milestones of larger accounts, this update offers a promising opportunity to grow their audience.


Shorter Reels Perform Better

In line with recent findings, shorter videos—specifically those under 90 seconds—tend to perform better in the Reels feed. Keeping your videos concise and engaging can significantly boost your chances of being recommended to a broader audience.


Shares Are Key

The latest update highlights shares as a critical signal of content quality. Instagram’s algorithm now prioritises content that garners more shares, viewing it as a stronger indicator of value than likes or comments. To encourage shares, consider prompting your audience with calls to action in your captions, such as “tag a friend” or “share with a fellow entrepreneur.”


Understanding the Algorithm

Instagram categorises content using signals like topics, keywords in captions, overlaid text, and your account’s category. Initially, your content is shown to a small, targeted audience. If it resonates well, it gets distributed to larger and larger groups, potentially reaching millions of viewers.


Key Takeaways for Creators

  • Create Original Content: Focus on producing unique videos. If inspired by others, always credit the original creator.
  • Leverage Shorter Videos: Keep your Reels under 90 seconds for optimal engagement.
  • Encourage Shares: Add calls to action in your captions to boost share rates.
  • Stay Updated: Follow Instagram’s head, Adam Mosseri, for the latest insights and updates.

By understanding and adapting to these changes, you can improve your chances of growing your presence on Instagram. Focus on originality, keep your videos concise, and encourage sharing to make the most of the new algorithm.


This blog was written using content from our Social Media Marketing Update for May 2024. 


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